Upon arrival of your kit, please take the time to unpack all contents and confirm contents against your packing list. If there are any shortages or discrepancies please contact us immediately upon delivery.
With respect to specific details... remember, this is your car. Items do not have to be created or assembled exactly as shown. For the safety critical items, please follow specific instructions, but for the details and character items put some of your own personality in your build. In the following chapters, we show you an "example" of one vehicle assembly. The RCR40 car can be built with an infinite number of alternative creative touches. Make it yours.
Please be aware that this manual is a living one, and as such is always being updated with new information, corrections, more pictures and diagrams, etc. If you find errors, or have additions, or suggestions to improve this manual, please contact webmaster@superlitecars.com.
We’re happy to correct errors, receive suggestions that improve the clarity accuracy and completeness of the manual, and will be grateful for input from builders!
Please note that the manual shows pictures from actual cars being built. As every car is different, and builders often customize their cars for their own vision, you will sometimes see parts on the car that are not in the kit you received. Please don't be "that guy" who calls the factory demanding a part they saw in the manual. If you didn't see the part on the packing list you got with your car, it wasn't part of your order.
In overview, the process steps will be as follows:
Disassmble rolling chassis from delivered state
Assemble chassis
Fit body to chassis
Remove body for paint
Final assembly
Step 1; all chassis hardware should be removed. The chassis should be stripped bare.
It is a good idea to photo document each assembly in detail prior to disassembling. This will help you immensely during re-assembly. Photograph each joint, re-install bolts into rod ends, tag and label parts, etc. You will be grateful you did later.
At this point, you should consider how you will surface coat all your components (paint, powder coat, anodize etc.).
To remove the rack and pinion, pull back the passenger side inboard boot from the rack and unscrew the inner tie rod. Pull the outer tie rod asfar outboard as possible. This will provide the necessary room to pull the LH side of the rack back and then the assembly out.
With chassis stripped, give consideration to whether or not the chassis will be surface coated. Once this decision is made, you are ready to start the assembly.