RCR40 MANUAL: Spider Mounting
The spider position is pre set from the RCR factory. It should need little adjustment if any. A few notes before you move forward:
- A 1/8" shim is likely needed under the spider "B" pillars to achieve optimal alignment of panels (don't ask, it's just how it was).
- Set the spider in place, referencing the factory mounting position, and confirm that fitment (gaps) are consistent along the front base edge of windshield to front clip.
- Once the spider is in place, set the windshield in place and create a wood prop to push the top of the spider to be approximately 1/8" from touching the top of the windshield -- essentially, just shy of being flush with roof surface. This prop should be left in place from now on.
- Any time the spider is on the chassis, install the prop.
REMEMBER, take multiple measurements, triangulate the measurements, and then measure again before you drill or cut. The spider mounting is very critical. It is of the utmost importance that the spider be located properly, as it is the datum point that all other body panels reference and mate up to.
Run a tape line across side to side at the base of the "A" pillars. Measure "carefully" and mark the center point of the span.
Next, measure the center point of the chassis just aft of the spare tire well.
Next, make a few initial triangulation measurements to begin to rough in the spider location. Choose a couple repeatable locations to measure from on both sides of the chassis. Your measurements should mirror one another.
Now, before you put any more effort into getting the side to side placement exact, stop and begin on the fore / aft positioning. Step one is to fabricate a gauge to use for positioning. See photo below for an example. A piece of scrap tin or aluminum works great. Cut the general form out of the metal, then file the end until you get the desired length of 35mm. This is being done to ensure the exact fore/aft position. To restate, the front vertical plane of the spider is to be located 35mm aft of the vertical plane of the spare tire well.
Now, take some measurements on the side flanges at the base of the A pillars. (Note, your actual numbers may be different than ours.)
Carefully move the spider assembly around finding optimal location at all measurement points.
Once you have found the optimal position, anchor the spider securely at the front/center point
with a sheet metal screws.
Now move to the "B" pillars. Take measurements as shown, measuring from the front of the door pillar to the outer forward edge of the "B" pillar. This dimension should be 43.0". Confirm the position of each pillar and secure with a sheet metal screw.
Now, place the windshield in the frame. Temporarily clamp the bases of the "A" pillars and windshield frame through the fuel filler holes using vise grips. Then jack the spider until it comes ~ 1/8" to 1/4" from contacting the windshield. (Remember there will be sealer in this gap)
Once the spider is jacked into position, slightly release the clamp load from the vice grips to permit the frame to "relax" and re-clamp. Do this on both sides. Now working from the center, drill and secure the windshield base with sheet metal screws every 6 or 9 inches. Remember, you will use these holes foryour permanent mountings, so measure out the spacing for a clean finish appearance. The final assembly will have a fastener every 3 inches.
Spider is now assembled, and you're ready to move on.